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Teen Outreach Program


Kristal Mackenzie Photography

The Teen Outreach program is close to Nikki's heart. Nikki was homeless at 14 and faced many obstacles and experiences that shaped who she is today. It also ignited a fire to make sure that every teen has a safe place and an encouraging and supportive environment to be able to navigate the stresses of our society today. The Teen outreach is not only designed to give the gift of Theater as a FREE 10-12 week program, but a community where every single person is seen and heard , with strong and healthy friendships made. 

We also work with many teens that are on the spectrum 

We stand for unity within our community.

We shall be announcing our Next Teen production in February!
Made possible by the North Carolina Arts Council & First Bank Power of Good Award
Please subscribe on our contact page to get the information as soon as it comes out.

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Past Productions

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Made possible by the North Carolina Arts Council
501c3 Non Profit Status
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