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Become a Sponsor and support our work . Be a voice in our community and keep the world of Performance Art alive.

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2 Free tickets to use throughout the year for any show excluding Murder Mystery Dinners & a great big hug!!!


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4 Free tickets to use throughout the year for any show excluding Murder Mystery Dinners. 

Program advertising 1/2 page for each show

social media advertising and a great big hug!


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 4 Free tickets to use throughout the year for any show excluding Murder Mystery Dinners.  

Program advertising 1/2 page for each show

social media advertising, website advertising on a rolling slideshow on every page of website, a personalized storefront in our virtual community Village linked to your website and a great big hug!

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  6 Free tickets to use throughout the year for any show excluding Murder Mystery Dinners. 

VIP seating at all shows

Full page  Program advertising for each show.

Social media advertising, Rolling showcase ad on every page of website . A personalized shop front in our community village linked to your website, plus two great big hugs.

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 2 Free season passes to use throughout the year for any show including Murder Mystery Dinners. VIP Seating and  meet and greet with the performers and back stage pass.

Pre-Show announcements,


2 Full page Program advertising for each show. Social media advertising, rolling website ad on every page of website, personalized Virtual shop front with link to your website in our community village  and as many big hugs as you want!

Where does your Sponsorship money go?
This is a very important question. To run a theater there are many fees that we incur. We pay musical rights to ASCAP,BMI. We also pay licensing and royalty fees to MTI, Pioneer Drama and other publishing companies for each show, rehearsal and performance. For large Broadway productions our rights can reach up to $4000 not including sets, lighting, sound backdrops and props.  Every sponsorship we receive goes directly back into JPA to add more items to cut our costs. 

In 2022, we opened our Teen Outreach program that sponsors a FREE 10 week theater production class .This is a non profit 501 C3  and so all donations are gratefully received . This helps us cover the costs of our teen productions and also gives our teens a safe place to create and be supported. 

Sponsorship & Donations also  transfers in lower ticket pricing for our community, as we believe that everyone should enjoy live theatre at one low price. We also do not charge audition or participation fees for our Mainstage productions. We survive purely on  ticket and youth program sales and we are very thankful that we are still here.

All advertising runs for one year

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